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dc.contributor.authorSalman Durmuşlar, Aysevil
dc.contributor.authorAlper Billur, Canan
dc.contributor.authorTürkoğlu, Aslan
dc.contributor.authorUngan, Fatih
dc.identifier.citationDurmuslar, A. S., Billur, C. A., Turkoglu, A., & Ungan, F. (2021). Optical properties of a GaAs quantum well with new type of hyperbolic confinement potential: Effect of structure parameters and intense laser field. Optics Communications, 127266, p. 1-7.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this present study, we have investigated theoretically the effect of structure parameters ( and ) and high-frequency intense laser field (ILF) on the linear and nonlinear optical properties of a GaAs quantum well (QW) with new type of hyperbolic confinement potential. Within the framework of the effective-mass and parabolic band approximations, we have computed the confined subband energy levels and their corresponding densities of probability by using the diagonalization method. Besides, we evaluated the total optical absorption coefficients (TOACs) and total refractive index changes (TRICs). The obtained numerical findings show that an increase of the () structure parameter causes an increase (decrease) in amplitude in TOACs and a blue (red) shift of the resonance energy spectrum. In addition, with the increase of the ILF, the resonance energy spectrum shifts to blue, while the amplitude of TOACs (TRICs) increased (decreased). We think that the obtained these results can be useful in the design of new device’s generation employed in optoelectronic domain.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofOptics Communicationsen_US
dc.subjectNew type of hyperbolic confinement potentialen_US
dc.subjectOptical nonlinearitiesIntense laser fielden_US
dc.titleOptical properties of a GaAs quantum well with new type of hyperbolic confinement potential: Effect of structure parameters and intense laser fielden_US
dc.departmentMühendislik Fakültesi, Gemi İnşaatı ve Gemi Makineleri Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorSalman Durmuşlar, Aysevil
dc.identifier.volumeVolume 499en_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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