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dc.contributor.otherSongur, Funda
dc.contributor.otherŞıhmantepe, Aydın
dc.description.abstractPREFACE It is our great pleasure to conclude the International Symposium on the Eastern Mediterranean Maritime History which was organized by Pîrî Reis University Maritime History Research Centre via zoom and YouTube on 29 May 2021. It was an important step in refreshing interest in maritime history by bringing together researchers interested in maritime history of the Eastern Mediterranean. Eastern Mediterranean has been keeping its vital position in the world history for thousands of years due to its varied institutional benefits in generating civilisations. Eastern Mediterranean became the centre for the first sea trade route at international level. Therefore the maritime economy was shifted from waterside only to far distance trading which was not even imagined by early civilisations. As the importance of trade and exchange in the Eastern Mediterranean continued to grow over history, Turkish presence was tied up to the area strongly beginning from 12th century. Hence, history of the Eastern Mediterranean evolved upon two things: the region’s own novel development as an international sea trade route and Turkish presence in that development. Besides affecting Turkish history over hundreds of years, the Eastern Mediterranean has enormous impact on world history in total. Studies on the Eastern Mediterranean, therefore, has unlimited sources for a rich historiography at macro perspective both for the world and Turkish history. It is our great pleasure to be part of such an effort by bringing respective scholars together to discussen_US
dc.publisherPîrî Reis Üniversitesi Yayınlarıen_US
dc.relation.ispartofInternational Sypmposium on the Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Historyen_US
dc.titleInternational Sypmposium on the Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Historyen_US
dc.departmentRektörlük, Denizcilik Tarihi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezien_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorSongur, Funda
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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