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dc.contributor.authorKepekçi, Haydar
dc.contributor.authorEzgi, Cüneyt
dc.identifier.citationKepekci, H., & Ezgi, C. (2024). Design and Thermodynamic Analysis of Waste Heat-Driven Liquid Metal–Water Binary Vapor Power Plant Onboard Ship. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(8), 1400.en_US
dc.description.abstractDay after day, stricter environmental regulations and rising operating costs and fuel prices are forcing the shipping industry to find more effective ways of designing and operating energy-efficient ships. One of the ways to produce electricity efficiently is to create a waste heat-driven liquid metal–water binary vapor power plant. The liquid metal Rankine cycle systems could be considered topping cycles. Liquid metal binary cycles share characteristics like those of the steam Rankine power plants. They have the potential for high conversion efficiency, they will likely produce lower-cost power in plants of large capacity rather than small, and they will operate more efficiently at design capacity rather than at partial load. As a result, liquid metal topping cycles may find application primarily as base-load plants onboard ships. In this study, a waste heat-driven liquid metal–water binary vapor power plant onboard a ship is designed and thermodynamically analyzed. The waste heat onboard the vessel is the exhaust gas of the LM2500 marine gas turbine. Mercury and Cesium are selected as liquid metals in the topping cycle, while water is used in the bottoming cycle in binary power plants. Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software (V11.898) is used to perform analyses. For the turbine inlet temperature of 550 °C, while the total net work output of the binary cycle system is calculated to be 104.84 kJ/kg liquid metal and 1740.29 kJ/kg liquid metal for mercury and cesium, respectively, the efficiency of the binary cycle system is calculated to be 31.9% and 26.3% for mercury and cesium as liquid metal, respectively. This study shows that the binary cycle has a thermal efficiency of 26.32% and 31.91% for cesium and mercury, respectively, depending on liquid metal condensing pressure, and a binary cycle thermal efficiency of 25.9% and 30.9% for cesium and mercury, respectively, depending on liquid metal turbine inlet temperature, and these are possible with marine engine waste heat-driven liquid metal–water binary vapor cycles.en_US
dc.publisherMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Marine Science and Engineeringen_US
dc.subjectBinary cycleen_US
dc.subjectLiquid metalen_US
dc.subjectMarine engineen_US
dc.subjectWaste heaten_US
dc.titleDesign and Thermodynamic Analysis of Waste Heat-Driven Liquid Metal–Water Binary Vapor Power Plant Onboard Shipen_US
dc.departmentDenizcilik Fakültesi, Gemi Makineleri İşletme Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorEzgi, Cüneyt
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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