Two-dimensional quantum-spin-1/2 XXZ magnet in zero magnetic field: Global thermodynamics from renormalisation group theory
Phase diagram, critical properties and thermodynamic functions of the two-dimensional field-free quantum-spin-1/2 XXZ model has been calculated globally using a numerical renormalisation group theory. The nearest-neighbour spin-spin correlations and entanglement properties, as well as internal energy and specific heat are calculated globally at all temperatures for the whole range of exchange interaction anisotropy, from XY limit to Ising limits, for both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic cases. We show that there exists long-range (quasi-long-range) order at low-temperatures, and the low-lying excitations are gapped (gapless) in the Ising-like easy-axis (XY-like easy-plane) regime. Besides, we identify quantum phase transitions at zero-temperature. [GRAPHICS] .