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dc.contributor.authorSalman Durmuşlar, Aysevil
dc.contributor.authorTürkoğlu, Aslan
dc.contributor.authorMora-Ramos, Miguel Eduardo
dc.contributor.authorUngan, Fatih
dc.description.abstractIn this present work, for different impurity position and ionized doping concentrations, we have theoretically investigated the linear, third-order nonlinear, and total optical absorption coefficients corresponding to the (1 -> 2) intersubband transitions between the ground and first-excited conduction band states in a single delta -doped GaAs well, with and without the presence of a donor impurity. Impurity binding energies were calculated using the effective-mass and parabolic band approximations within a variational scheme. The linear, third-order nonlinear, and total optical absorption coefficients for the intersubband transitions are calculated within the compact density matrix approach. The obtained results show that adding an impurity positioned at the symmetry center of the well, as well as the increase in the ionized donor concentrations, shifts the total optical absorption coefficients to higher photon energies. However, the off-center positions of impurities together with the varying ionized donor concentrations lead to blue or red shifts in relation to the values of binding energies. The results in this study may be useful for the design and applications of the devices based on the delta -doped structures.en_US
dc.publisherSpringer Heidelbergen_US
dc.relation.ispartofEuropean Physical Journal Plusen_US
dc.subject[No Keywords]en_US
dc.titleThe effect of impurity position and doping concentration on the binding energies and total optical absorption coefficients in a delta-doped quantum wellen_US
dc.departmentMühendislik Fakültesi, Gemi İnşaatı ve Gemi Makineleri Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.department-temp[Durmuslar, Aysevil Salman] Piri Reis Univ, Fac Engn, Dept Naval Architecture & Marine Engn, TR-34940 Istanbul, Turkey; [Mora-Ramos, Miguel Eduardo] Univ Autonoma Estado Morelos, ctr Invest ciencias IIcBA, Ave Univ 1001, cuernavaca 62209, Morelos, Mexico; [Ungan, Fatih] Sivas cumhuriyet Univ, Fac Technol, Dept Opt Engn, TR-58140 Sivas, Turkeyen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorSalman Durmuşlar, Aysevil
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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