Career indecision among Turkish female high school students: The effect of parenting and societal norms
Arslan, A., Yener, S., & Erogul, M. (2022). Career indecision among Turkish female high school students: The effect of parenting and societal norms. Current Psychology, p. 1-17.Abstract
We investigated female high school senior year students’ conformity with feminine roles in society to understand how the role of being a woman has an impact on career indecision along with other factors such as maximizer parents/daughters, and over parenting. Our sample consists of Turkish female high school senior students living in Turkiye’s Western Region. We conducted two rounds of questionnaires sent out in 4-week intervals. Female role stress, over-parenting, and parents’ maximizing tendencies positively and significantly predicted career indecisions of daughters while conformity to feminine norms was predicted negatively and significantly. Overall, parents’ maximizing tendencies had an impact on their daughters maximizing tendencies.